Fabiana Milanés Sanchéz

Software Engineer | CRI I'm a software engineer born in Costa Rica with an interest in art and design.


About Me

My journey into the world of Software Engineering began at Universidad Cenfotec in 2022, and to my surprise, what I once swore I'd never like has become one of the things I enjoy doing the most. There's an indescribable feeling of satisfaction when I finally crack a tough problem or witness the results of my creations. What I love most about this career is its perpetual demand for growth and learning. It's a field that constantly pushes me to expand my skills and knowledge, ensuring that I'm always evolving both personally and professionally. I consider myself hard-working, detail-oriented, trustworthy, and dedicated; I will always make sure to deliver my best work. When I'm not writing code, I enjoy taking walks, watching films or TV shows, and spending time in the park with a good book.
